Why the University of Fraser Valley
It is UFV’s vision to provide the best undergraduate education in Canada and to be a leader of the social, cultural, economic and environmentally-responsible development of the Fraser Valley. UFV will measure its success by the successes of its graduates and the successful development of the communities they serve. In achieving its goals, UFV has committed to being innovative, entrepreneurial and accountable.
The University of the Fraser Valley, as established by the University Act of British Columbia, is mandated to serve the post-secondary educational needs of its region. Specifically, UFV provides post-secondary academic, trade, technical, career and adult basic education programs that lead to certificates, diplomas, and degrees, at both the undergraduate and master’s level. Faculty and staff are also engaged in foundational and applied research and other scholarly activities that support its program areas and the development of the Fraser Valley.
Paramount priority is placed on students and their learning needs and goals. UFV is committed to excellence in post-secondary education through programs that serve the diverse needs of the Fraser Valley region. We view education as an ongoing process essential for both career progress and actualizing human potential. We make the university accessible to students with diverse backgrounds and goals, while rewarding academic success and maintaining high standards. We value and treat students as mature individuals, and encourage intellectual, cultural, creative, ethical and social development in order to prepare our graduates for their roles as productive citizens of an increasingly complex and pluralistic society. And finally, we place a high value on environmental, social and economic sustainability in all our endeavours.