We, as a community, believe that:
- Every individual possesses an inherent dignity rooted in God alone.
- Jesus’ call to live the Gospel and worship God is central to our school community’s identity.
- Daily living of religious virtues is an important expression of our school’s identity.
- Students learn at different rates and in different styles.
- Aestheticism is cultivated through an appreciation of the arts.
- Social graces are developed through a variety of personal interactions.
- Responsible citizenship is fostered through education.
- The promotion of knowledge, together with practices conducive to spiritual, emotional and physical well-being, is the primary responsibility of Catholic education.
- A respect for productive labor benefits the individual and society.
- Academic and extracurricular opportunities are provided for students to achieve personal and professional excellence.
- Education is the shared responsibility of the student, the family, the school, the community, the diocese, and the government.